How to Know When an Equity is a Good Buy

Most of the time, investing sounds more straightforward than it is. It may seem simple, but investing involves more than just placing money in various securities. To be a successful investor, you must comprehend and implement tried-and-true tactics and procedures.

Essential principles of investing that distinguish the few successful investors are the implementation of these proven techniques. We hope you don’t find it surprising that there are only a few successful investors, given the worrying rate of money losses. What is then done wrongly? How do you identify a good stock? Indeed, more investors will succeed in the stock market if they know when a Company’s equity is a good buy and when it’s not. Taking this article a step further, let’s first define equity before delving into how to recognize when equity is good to buy.


So What is Equity, Then?

Equity is the entire sum of money you receive from a company after settling all liabilities and debts. You acquire a portion of a corporation when you invest in its equity. Shares, stock, and equity are frequently used synonymously.

Knowing when equity is a reasonable buy demands adequate research and an in-depth understanding of the market, which is the article’s primary aim. Stay with us on this article and be amazed at how you’ll make the right decisions in your next investment journey.

The main goal of this article is to help readers determine when equity is a suitable buy by providing them with the necessary information and market knowledge.


Increasing Company Sales

Every company has something to offer, a product or a service. To determine whether equity is a good investment, you should look through the company’s financial report to see how its sales have changed over time. The ability of the business to create income through sales over a set period is measured by its sales growth rate. The most important metric for determining a company’s success is sales growth. It shows if a company is expanding or contracting. Additionally, it reveals whether the business is on track to meet its financial goals.

A company’s sales are a sign that it can adequately reward its shareholders when its revenues grow steadily. After all, the goal of any investor is to generate long-term, sustainable gains.

Equity from that company is an excellent buy if you compare its growth from the previous year to the most recent quarter and see an upward trend.

You may be interested in determining a company’s sales growth. Let’s explain how to choose a company’s sales growth.

How to Determine a Company’s Growth Rate in Sales

The metrics used to determine a company’s sales growth rates are the net sales value of the previous period and the net sales value of the current quarter. This formula is used to calculate these values:

Current period — previous period

________________________ × 100

                 previous perrates


Let’s go over an illustration of how to determine a company’s sales growth. Revenue for Company DJK was 100,000NGN this year and 90,000NGN last year.

                 90,000 – 80,000       

              ———————— × 100


Company DJK made an increase in sales of 12.5%.


Discover the Company’s Financial Performance

Return on capital (ROC) measures a company’s profitability. The ROC is a reliable method for determining a company’s value. It’s beneficial to monitor a company’s sales growth, but it’s more crucial to learn how much work went into generating that profit. Let’s assume that Company KLC had 10,000,000NGN in total last year and produced a gain of 100,000NGN. Due to its poor return on investment (1%), this kind of company differs from the one you should invest in.

On the other hand, if a Company generated 100,000NGN in profit last year with just 10,000NGN in investment capital, that is a solid business to remain with because it made a significant return on investment (ROC). Businesses with a high ROC achieve a lot with little, whereas those with a low ROC achieve little with much. Purchasing shares in such a Company is a good investment if the return on capital is high since it ensures your ability to build wealth as a shareholder.


Buying Undervalued Stocks

One of the best ways to determine whether equity is a good buy is to invest in inexpensive stocks because you are purchasing something others need or want at a reduced price.

An asset may be undervalued or overpriced if bought for more or less than its intrinsic value. It would help if you purchased equity below market value to determine whether it is worthwhile. A stock or bond is said to be undervalued when its price has dropped to a level that suggests it may be worth more than the stock market currently believes.

These equities are “undervalued” because investors often purchase them when they think they can sell them for more money than they paid today. It would help if you contrasted the company’s current price with its historical average earnings per share to determine whether a stock is cheap. The store may fall into this category if the difference between these figures indicates that it is undervalued. 

Undervalued equity has disadvantages, such as the potential for future price declines and the possibility of missing out on more lucrative investment opportunities.


What is the Price-to-Earnings Ratio for the Company?

The price-to-earnings ratio, also known as the P/E ratio, is a quick way to determine if a stock is undervalued or overvalued. Therefore, a lower P/E ratio is advantageous for both the company and potential investors. The balance is calculated by dividing a company’s stock price by its earnings per share. The P/E ratios of several businesses, such as gas and beverage companies, shouldn’t be compared. Simply said, the metric is only helpful when contrasting companies within the same sector, such as fruit drinks, with other fruit drink companies.

The P/E ratio is typically used by contrasting it with other P/E ratios of businesses in the same industry or previous P/E ratios of the same business. The company with the lower P/E ratio may be undervalued if you compare firms in the same sector. Or, if you’re looking at historical data for one organization, a more significant figure can indicate that the offer has lost its appeal. In other words, the P/E ratio of a corporation suggests the quality of the investment it represents.

What’s the Company’s Margin?

Simply said, a company’s margin is the difference between the selling price of a good and its production costs. Generally speaking, a company’s margins either get better or worse based on how well it is managed. Something needs to be fixed if the sales line rises, but the expense line increases more quickly.

It’s sometimes a terrible thing. The company can be starting a new line of business, releasing a new product, or broadening its market reach. By making significant investments in facilities across the country, Amazon, for instance, angered investors for years. Those infrastructure investments have now begun to pay off. On the other hand, it can simply indicate that the business is managing its spending poorly.


In Summary

To determine whether equity is a good buy, investors must thoroughly investigate the firm from which they desire to buy equities. Before buying a stock, you should conduct in-depth research, evaluate the fundamentals of the business, and determine whether it fits in your portfolio.

As an investor, you should conduct the appropriate research since when you purchase a stock in a firm, you also become a shareholder in that business.

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